Oh the beautiful taste of victory…
I love American football.
When I first came to the United States, I had no clue what the sport was about, or what people did, and quite frankly I didn’t care.
To me, it was all so odd; a bunch of men just playing tag.
That’s because I didn’t understand it.
However, thanks to attending a college that is big on football, Virginia Tech taught me the basics and showed me a new passion for a sport.
To me, football has become more than just a sport.
When my wife and I started dating back in 2011, I had no idea she liked football, and I had no idea I would like it just as much.
She’s been a Green Bay Packers fan since she was little, and I thought:
“Well, I don’t have a team. This football thing is fun, so why not? Why not also become a Packers fan?”
And that’s what I did.
Fortunately, the Green Bay Packers have been a good team so far. Ever since I started paying attention to them in 2013, they’ve been consistently an overall competitive team.
My wife and I get together to watch the game, bond, and get excited and root for our beloved team (now we do it along with our daughter, who of course, is also a Packer fan).
I hope the Packers continue being a good, competitive team, and this year is the year they take it all. I really do. One can only hope 🙂
keep going
Now, flipping the page, there is another football team I’d love to introduce to you; the Detroit Lions.
Now, throughout history, the Detroit Lions have not been the best team, and they’ve had lots of challenges and losing seasons.
They’ve been up and down, and have had many disappointing years; even decades.
From what I’ve seen, they are usually a competitive team, but somehow things just don’t go their way, and it doesn’t matter who you are, when you lose that frequently, your confidence, demeanor, and morale all take a hit.
When you are use to losing all the time, your mindset inevitably takes a hit, and it can be a grind to climb out of that hole.
Well, things changed for the Detroit Lions recently, and oh boy, did they change.
In the last couple of years, Detroit has been showing signs of a new mindset, resilience, and what can be achieved when you never give up.
A new coach joined them a few years ago, Dan Campbell, and he went through a rebuilding process with new and young players on his roster.
They’ve been battling close games every season since the new coach joined, and they’ve turned things around.
They’ve been winning, and winning, and quite frankly, it’s a totally different team not just from the way they play, but the demeanor and confidence with which they play the game.
After their won their first playoff games in 30 years earlier this year in 2024, at home with their fans, you can imagine it was an emotional moment for all the people who support the team, and who were with them through the thick and thin.
Imagine a 6 foot 4 inch man, weighing 250 pounds, full of muscle, shedding tears of joy in front of you because he just experienced what the entire city of Detroit had not experienced in a long time.
He experienced the light at the end of the tunnel.
He experienced victory after years of suffering, losses, and disappointment.
Quite frankly, I loved seeing him get emotional.
Not because I root for his team, but because I appreciated and loved the journey the Detroit team and players had.
No matter how things turn out to be for the rest of this season or future ones, those men will forever be changed and it highlights the power of the journey.
The power of staying focused, resilient, and continuing to believe in yourself even when the world falls apart day after day, year after year, decade after decade.
I know football is just a game, and whatever happens there does not affect our lives (or more like it shouldn’t), but we can’t negate that fact that we all love a good story.
I know I do.
I love someone who battles, who struggles, who is in a deep hole, and wrestles through it all to climb out of that hole and come out on top, victorious, and end up a winner.
While I love the Green Bay Packers, I also love the Detroit Lions story.
It’s inspiring, motivating, and I hope it lets you know that no matter how hard it gets, if you stay focused, optimistic, and keep working hard towards your goals, vision, and dreams, amazing things will happen to you and always remember:
the bigger the struggle, the sweeter victory becomes when you reach the top.
It’s not a matter of IF….it’s a matter of WHEN.
Because when you never give up, you cannot lose.
Keep going.
To your success,
BTW, if you are ready to diversify your income online and need guidance identifying your niche, your offer, or choosing the perfect business for your lifestyle, book a 1:1 consulting session here. Looking forward to speaking with you.

I’m a dad, husband, and an engineer (12 years) , and online business owner. I share lessons and guidance in the areas of career, online business, finances, and family. My mission is simple: leave the world better than when I arrived and help one million people increase their income, achieve financial security, and live a meaningful life.